Moms Top 10

Thursday, May 20, 2010

freego...frolf...whatever it's called

Some people call it frolf, some call it freego...I just call it frisbee golf but whatever it's called, it sure is a great family activity full of exercise, fresh air, vitamin D, quality time together, and just a tad bit of frustration:)

My hubby was introduced to it awhile back and now he plays almost every Sunday wih some buddies. Sometimes the nutbars tag along and sometimes the wives tag along too. The game is just like golf, 9 or 18 holes, except you use special frisbees instead of golf clubs/golf balls. It is extremely frustrating just like the real golf game; and just like golf balls...frisbees get lost too:) The cost is really inexpensive. The frisbee courses are free (at the least the ones I have played on) So the only cost is that of the frisbees. We purchased ours used starting at $4.95. I've only played a few times so far and just like real golf, I am not good. That's why it is so frustrating!

It is fun though and I think the nutbars will like it even more when they are a bit older. For now my five year old will throw the frisbee a few times but finds more enjoyment out of picking all sorts of wild flowers and finding special treasures (rocks, pine cones, interesting leaves, etc) along the way. The 2 year old enjoys the fresh air, scenery, and most importantly being pushed in his jeep stroller while eating snacks along the way. He does get out occasionally to walk around, throwing a frisbee or two.

It is something the whole family can enjoy and what is greater then doing something outside that is good for you and includes everyone?

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